Comprehensive Open Heart Surgery Care in Thane

 Explore the outstanding care and expertise available at Jinkushal Cardiac Care and Superspeciality Hospital, a leading destination for open-heart surgery in Thane. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a team of top surgeons, we offer a wide range of services catering to the needs of heart patients.

Understanding Open-Heart Surgery

Open-heart surgery is a critical procedure utilized to correct various heart conditions. It involves surgically opening the chest to directly operate on the heart.

Conditions Treated with Open-Heart Surgery

At Jinkushal Hospital, our skilled open-heart surgery surgeons in Thane employ this procedure to address various heart-related issues, ensuring improved heart health and enhanced quality of life for our patients. The key conditions typically treated through open-heart surgery include:

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): Commonly addressed through coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), this procedure helps treat CAD by bypassing blocked coronary arteries.

Heart Valve Disease: Open-heart surgery is often necessary to repair or replace malfunctioning heart valves, ensuring effective blood flow regulation.

Congenital Heart Defects: Structural issues present from birth can be corrected through open-heart surgery, ranging from repairing heart holes to addressing valve and artery anomalies.

Cardiomyopathy: Thickening or enlargement of the heart muscle may require open-heart surgery for muscle removal or device implantation.

Heart Transplant: For severe heart damage or end-stage heart failure, open-heart surgery is utilized to replace the diseased heart with a healthy donor heart.

Aortic Aneurysm: Repairing a bulging or at-risk-of-rupture section of the aorta is possible through open-heart surgery.

Types of Open-Heart Surgery at Jinkushal Hospital

Our hospital specializes in various open-heart surgeries, including traditional and minimally invasive procedures, ensuring personalized approaches for each patient. The types of open-heart surgeries offered include:

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG): Primarily used for treating coronary artery disease, CABG involves grafting arteries or veins to bypass blocked coronary arteries.

Heart Valve Surgery: This includes valve repair and replacement procedures to address issues with heart valve function.

Aortic Aneurysm Surgery: To repair or replace a bulging section of the aorta.

Arrhythmia Surgery: Correcting irregular heartbeats through procedures like the Maze Procedure or implantation of pacemakers or defibrillators.

Congenital Heart Surgery: Correcting heart defects present from birth.

Heart Transplant: Replacing a diseased heart with a healthy donor heart.

Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery: Performing heart surgery through smaller incisions for reduced pain and quicker recovery.

Robotic-Assisted Heart Surgery: Utilizing robotic systems for enhanced precision in heart surgery.

Hybrid Procedures: Combining traditional and minimally invasive techniques for complex heart conditions.

Preparation for Open Heart Surgery

Preparing for open-heart surgery is a crucial step for a successful outcome. At Jinkushal Hospital, we guide patients through each stage of preparation, ensuring they are fully informed and ready for the procedure. Preparation involves:

Medical Evaluation: Comprehensive health assessment, including blood tests, X-rays, electrocardiograms (EKG), and echocardiograms.

Medication Review: Informing the surgeon about all medications, including adjustments or stopping certain medications before surgery.

Lifestyle Adjustments: Following a healthy diet, light exercise, and stopping or reducing smoking and alcohol consumption.

Pre-Surgery Instructions: Fasting, hygiene, and emotional preparation.

Practical Arrangements: Planning for the hospital stay and post-surgery care at home.

During the Surgery

At Jinkushal Hospital, Thane, open-heart surgery is performed with the utmost care and precision. The procedure, lasting several hours, involves:

Anesthesia Administration: Administering general anesthesia to ensure the patient is pain-free throughout the surgery.

Preparation and Incision: Cleaning and preparing the chest area, followed by a chest incision to access the heart.

Heart-Lung Machine Connection: Connecting the patient to a heart-lung machine for traditional surgeries, allowing the surgeon to operate on a still heart.

Surgical Procedure: Performing various procedures based on the patient's condition, such as bypass grafting, valve repair or replacement, or other reconstructions.

Monitoring and Management: Continuous monitoring of vital signs to ensure safety and adjusting medical support as needed.

Closing the Incision: Gradually discontinuing the heart-lung machine, closing the chest incision, and applying a sterile dressing.

Post-Surgical Care: Moving the patient to a recovery area or ICU for close monitoring during the wake-up and recovery phase.

After the Surgery

Recovery and Care at Jinkushal Hospital

After open-heart surgery at Jinkushal Hospital, patients receive comprehensive and personalized post-operative care, including:

Immediate Post-Operative Care: ICU stay for continuous monitoring and pain management.

Step-Down and Regular Ward Stay: Transitioning to less intensive wards for gradual recovery, with regular check-ups and support from nursing staff and doctors.

Physical Rehabilitation: Encouraging early mobilization with tailored exercises for strengthening and promoting healing.

Education and Support: Detailed instructions on wound care, medication management, dietary advice, and recognizing signs of potential complications.

Follow-Up Appointments: Regular appointments to monitor progress and address any concerns.

Home Care Guidance: Comprehensive guidelines for at-home care, emphasizing the importance of a supportive home environment.

Emotional and Psychological Support: Counseling and support groups for coping with the emotional challenges post-surgery.

Long-Term Care and Lifestyle Changes: Advice on long-term lifestyle changes to improve heart health.

Duration of Recovery

Initial recovery typically takes around 6 to 8 weeks, with full recovery, including a return to normal activities, taking several months depending on individual health factors and the type of surgery.

Risks and Benefits of Open-Heart Surgery at Jinkushal Hospital

While open-heart surgery comes with certain risks, the benefits at Jinkushal Hospital are significant, including improved heart function, relief from symptoms, increased longevity, enhanced quality of life, and prevention of further heart damage. Our patient-centric approach ensures thorough communication about the risks and benefits of the surgical procedure.

Alternatives to Standard Surgery

Recognizing that every patient is unique, Jinkushal Hospital offers less invasive alternatives to traditional open-heart surgery, such as minimally invasive heart surgery, robot-assisted heart surgery, percutaneous (catheter-based) procedures, and non-surgical interventions. These alternatives are tailored to individual health situations, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

Open Heart Surgery Cost in Thane

At Jinkushal Hospital, the cost of open-heart surgery in Thane is competitively priced, reflecting the complexity of the procedure and the type of cardiac intervention. We provide detailed cost breakdowns, ensuring transparency and enabling informed decisions about treatment options. For accurate estimates and guidance on open-heart surgery costs in Thane, consult our financial services department.

Choose Jinkushal Hospital for Your Heart Health

Whether you are considering treatment options for heart disease or need complex open-heart surgery, Jinkushal Hospital stands as the best hospital for open-heart surgery in Thane. Our commitment to excellence in cardiac care, combined with a patient-centric approach, ensures that you receive not only advanced medical care but also the peace of mind that comes with expert professionals dedicated to your well-being. Contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation with our leading cardiac specialists. Trust us to be your partner in heart health.

Dr. Mayur Jain: Leading Interventional Cardiologist in Thane  at Jinkushal Hospital, Thane


At the forefront of cardiac care in Thane, Jinkushal Hospital stands out as a premier Heart Specialist Hospital in Thane, offering a spectrum of advanced cardiac treatments and tests. Leading our team of esteemed cardiologists is Dr. Mayur Jain, a renowned Interventional Cardiologist in Thane. Dr. Jain's expertise in cutting-edge procedures like the TAVI Procedure in Thane has been instrumental in transforming the lives of numerous heart patients.


Jinkushal Hospital is equipped to perform critical cardiac procedures with precision and care. Our state-of-the-art facility is known for conducting detailed Angiography in Thane, a vital diagnostic tool in identifying heart issues. Furthermore, we specialize in Angioplasty in Thane, a life-saving procedure to open blocked arteries, reducing the risk of heart attack.


For patients requiring rhythm management, our Pacemaker Implantation in Thane service is top-notch, ensuring enhanced quality of life. Additionally, our diagnostic capabilities, including the 2D Echo Test in Thane and the Stress Test in Thane, provide comprehensive evaluations of heart health.


We also offer routine yet critical tests like the ECG Test in Thane, an essential tool for initial heart function assessment. Another notable service is our Color Doppler Test in Thane, utilizing advanced ultrasound technology for detailed heart imaging.


At Jinkushal Hospital, under Dr. Mayur Jain's guidance, our commitment to excellence in Cardiac Hospital in Thane is unwavering. We blend expertise, technology, and compassionate care to ensure the best outcomes for our patients.


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